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An in-depth enquiry on economic subjects cannot always be confined to sharply focused economic papers and essays. Innovative ideas may need a thorough comprehension thanks to books, the most ancient and still the most modern way to cope with complexity.

Download for free these full-text economics books on many subjects and build on them and the related models, empirical data and key concepts, with a keen view to outline and propose appropriate economic policies for our century.


Book: Microeconomics textbook

This site presents you the basic neoclassical consumer theory and its opposite evolutionary alternative, offering empirical papers, downloadable models and data for broad understanding of consumer behaviour, including the decision to repurchase , to save and to cumulate assets, under the influence of advertising. and leveraging the relationship between prices and quantities. This hyper-textual free book covers most of the issues raised in A-level Economics or Economics 101 and goes well beyond, always avoiding higher mathematics but rather offering computer simulations to drill with.

The theory of the firm begins with a new theory of monopoly, in turn contrasted with the standard one, and develops with a discussion of "competition" in substitute goods, coupled with the possible seller's refusal to sell. Central is here the concept of business routines.

A classification of business costs is offered together with a free software and an easy Excel spreadsheet for marginal and average cost computations.

The production function is explained and criticised for the case of one productive input. In case of two or more productive inputs, the isoquant concept is presented, given a free software and critically evaluated.

The dynamic intersection between demand and supply is presented in a simple simulation model.

Advanced areas, as product differentiation, innovation, and finance, including, insurance, are covered as well.

A special section is devoted to poverty, the differences in consumption and cumulative bundle between the rich and the poor, the reasons for poor to pay more than the rich as well as microfinance and remittances.

Book: Macroeconomics textbook: Macroeconomics for beginners

Students of the first year of economics usually learn the basic functioning of the economy thanks to the "IS-LM model" and its modifications. In this site, you will find an overall introduction to the model, its key basic and advanced concepts, (e.g. consumption, investment, public expenditure, trade balance), a one-page interactive map of their connections, and relevant data from all countries in the world.

In particular, you shall be introduced to all phases of the business cycle (expansion, boom, peak, recession, depression, trough, and recovery).

More advanced features of macro-economy receive wide explanations, like how business cycle fluctuations and financial fragility are linked to labour market and international trade.

Book: Agent-Based Keynesian Macroeconomics: An Evolutionary Model Embedded in an Agent-Based Computer Simulation

Download this free book in PDF format

Book: The paradigm of social complexity: an alternative way of understanding societies and their economies (2020)

It's not only a great book of more than 1000 pages: it's a full program of activities.

Book: Evolutionary models of industrial dynamics and the problem of space (1994)

A lengthy analysis of models with a very relevant discussion about time structures in evolutionary models, methods to analyse their results (differerentiated according to the unit of analysis: a single story, a few stories, a lot of stories) and depict graphically their multi-variate inputs and outputs. How to compare the artificial worlds with the empirical words through stylized facts is addressed. Finally, a section of the dissertation is on how to introduce space in such models (with a comparative analysis of Cartesian and non-Cartesian spaces). Published in 2019 [Italian language]

PDF [2 MB]

Book: Contributions to the energy research debate from the Swiss Social Sciences and Humanities Energy Research Group (3rd Workshop) (2023)

PDF [17 MB]

Book: The Financial and economic crisis of 2008-2009 and developing countries (by Unctac 2010)

Book: Post Keynesian Econometrics, Microeconomics and the Theory of the Firm

Book: Innovative Economic Policies for Climate Change Mitigation

We are seriously concerned with global climate change, the higher frequency of extreme weather conditions, the rise of sea level, the acidification of the oceans, the salinisation of sweet water in small islands, the dramatic reduction in biodiversity, and ubiquitous pollution. But we are optimist that mitigation is still possible if the world reacts with extreme energy and cohesion.

This book provides a large array of proposals by 30 economists from developing and developed countries.

High and senior level policymakers (and their staff) will find fundamental outlines and insights for negotiating and laying down NAMAs (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions) and Climate Action Plans at national, sub-national, city and sectoral levels.

Students and engaged citizens - who want their country make the difference and seize all development opportunities opened up by green jobs, new business niches, higher quality of life - will find accessible guidelines.

Presented at a COP15 side-event, updated in 2012, the book is inspiring top-level and grassroot actions worldwide.

Paperback edition (39.37$) and PDF (3.80$)

Free outline and synthesis


The Paris Agreement (commented word by word) and further books



Book: A Renewable World: Energy, Ecology, Equality

This path-breaking book provides sound and effective introduction, arguments, directions, and specific solutions not only for the fast diffusion of renewable energies but for a whole revolution widening their exponential dynamics (and advantages) to all sectors, so to demonstrate that yes, "we can renew our world, despite many of the grim developments of the last few centuries".

Easily accessible for a large public, it's perfect for policy-makers and teams working on sustainability plans and projects at global and local scale. It provides a wealth of up-dated reference to best practices that can be multiplied, thus reaching a global critical mass.

The whole book for free

Authors' homepage


Book: Principle of personalist economics

A humanistic constructive criticism of neoclassical economics.


Book: Apocalipse now?


Climate, environment, catastrophes. We can save the world. Now.

The book by Luca Lombroso.


Book: Crash - why it happened and what to do about it

An instant full-fledged book by heterodox economists, including Frédéric Lordon, Dean Baker, James K. Galbraith,Paul Davidson, George Soros about the financial and the housing bubble and crisis and ways out.

PDF from Post-Autistic Economics Network


Book: Industrial Economics textbook

Industrial Growth and Competition - The Role of Technology in Firm Success, Industry Evolution, and Regional and National Growth

Prof. Kenneth L. Simons explains in 150 pages all what you need to know about the evolution of new industries, the turnover of corporate leadership, the shakeouts and the industry dynamics linked to concentration, innovation sources, product differentiation. Firm size growth, regional agglomerations of firms, the city dynamics are mapped together with industry evolutionary patterns and evidence about the false myth of the U-Shaped long-run firm cost curve.


Author's homepage


Book: International Economics textbook

The reasons for companies and countries to import, export, invest abroad and operate on currency exchange markets are easily explained, with plenty of real data.

A free business game summarizes this part.

The main ingredients of the new theories of international economics, such as imperfect competition, economies of scale and product differentiation, are widely discussed.

The standard view about comparative advantages is finally compared with a dynamic perspective based on new technologies, core competences, learning and path-dependence.

For policy purposes, the hierarchical structure of world trade is presented, both statically and dynamically. In this perspective, bilateral import promotion and special trade relationships with neighbours are suggested.

More on world trade...


Book: An Artificial Market Model of a Foreign Exchange Market - by Kiyoshi Izumi

In this study, the author proposes a new approach to foreign exchange (forex) market studies: the artificial market approach - by integrating fieldwork studies and multiagent computer models in order to explain the micro and macro relation in markets.

Free full-text

Author's homepage


Book: Econometrics textbook

This free textbook about econometrics analysis, methods, and algebra covers themes like regression, ordinary least squares estimation, multicollinearity, omitted variables, generalized least squares, heteroskedasticity , generalized method of moments, bootstrap techniques, time series analysis, vector auto-regressive analysi (VAR), cointegration, non-parametric methods.

Free full-text

Author's homepage

Large databases for econometric analyses


Book: The econometrics of macroeconomic growth

This book describes the stylized facts of GDP dynamics over the long term, with growth miracles and disasters, widely presenting the empirical methods used to identify them.

Free full-text

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Book: Spatial econometrics

This book describes the econometric methods useful to analyse regions and other geographical entities.

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Book: Kalecki’s Economics Today

This 250-pages-long book presents not only the legacy of Kalecki (a brilliant economist, whose only fault was to publish in Polish language; he independently discovered many of the key concepts of what is now identified as Keynesian theory), but also a possible reading of Michal Kalecki as a behavioural economist and the implications for modern evolutionary economic analysis.


Book: The Dynamics of California's Biotechnology Industry

This 160-pages-long book is an extremely innovative analysis of how biotechnology firms really work and grow with far-reaching lessons for technology policy-makers.


Author's homepage


Book: How macroeconomics is changing thanks to computer - by Valentino Piana (2000)

Macroeconomics is deeply changing thanks to computer. It becomes easier and more realistic, while the process of integration between macroeconomics and other economic disciplines is given a decisive acceleration.

From econometrics to formal models, passing through the revolution in teaching and learning techniques, this book offers an up-to-date overview of what is happening.



Book: Changing Structure of Global Food Consumption and Trade

Shifts in food consumption have led to increased trade and changes in the composition of world agricultural trade. Given different diets, food expenditure and food budget responses to income and price changes vary between developing and developed countries. In developing countries, higher income results in increased demand for meat products, often leading to increased import of live-stock feed.



Book: From Economic Convergence to Convergence in Affluence? Income Growth, Household Expenditure and the Rise of Mass Consumption in Britain and West Germany, 1950-1974




Book: The politics of trade and industrial policy in Africa: forced consensus?



Book: Discovering Artificial Economics - How Agents Learn and Economies Evolve by David F. Batten

Book [17 MB]


Book: UK Innovation Strategy


Book: High-Tech Start-Ups and Industry Dynamics in Silicon Valley

Using two unique longitudinal databases, Junfu Zhang investigates firm formation, growth, mortality, and migration in Silicon Valley during the 1990s and explain how the region evolved. After extraordinary economic and innovation success in the late 1990s, Silicon Valley entered a deep recession in 2001. This study seeks to answer tough policy-relevant and empirical questions of interest everywhere in the world.


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