in scope, the Economics Web Institute is a center for cutting edge
research in economics and management, whose general publications
are distributed for free in Internet and whose solutions can be
implemented in real contexts for a consulting fee.
The Institute
gathers economists, managers, consultants, technologists and other
specialists in an international team.
Valentino Piana
and international consultant. Author of the books "How Macroeconomics
is Changing Thanks to Computer" and "Innovative Economic
Policies for Climate Change Mitigation". He has been teaching
Macroeconomics and Microeconomics at the Cracow University of Economics
as well as Management at a private business school. Coordinator
of the Scientific Commitee of "Econeighbourhood for Italy".
In the last 15 years, he has been the project manager of an eco-neighbourhood,
has delivered training seminars to policymakers across the world
and participating to UNFCCC COP15, COP19 and COP21, COP23. Peer-reviewer
of "Energy Policy". Reviewer of the IPCC Special Report
on 1.5 degrees pathways of global warming.
Professor in Economic Development at Yonsei University (Republic
of Korea). Previously: research associate at HES-SO Valais - Wallis
Honorary Members
Ryszard Domanski
at Poznan University of Economics (Poland), he has outstandingly
contributed to regional sciences, spatial economics, economic geography,
urban and regional development studies. In particular, he has developed
new methods to inquire into the non-linear dynamics of complex systems.
Out of many international activities, he has been president of the
Regional Science Association International.
Masaru Uzawa
Uzawa teaches at the Otaru University of Commerce, one of the 99
national universities in Japan. He is playing an active role in
Japanese Industrial Economics and Organization as well as in the
development of computer-based teaching methods.
Prof. Tariq Saiful Islam
Professor in the Department of Economics, Rajshahi
University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. He did his Ph.D. in Economics
from the University of Alberta, Canada. His papers have been published
in journals such as Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics,
International Journal of Development Planning Literature, Asian
Profile, Economics Bulletin, and Bangladesh Journal of Political
Economy. A book jointly written with Mohammad Rezwanul Karim ("Cost
and Benefit of Higher Education in Bangladesh") has been published
in 2011 by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. Professor Islam
has long editorial experience and has edited several journals. He
is a life member of Bangladesh Economic Association and a former
member of the Econometric Society.
Board of Experts
Munch Andersen
Evolutionary economist. Senior Scientist at Danish
Technical University (Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable
Energy). After having been in the '90s a pioneer in linking environment
and innovation under an evolutionary approach, she has been asked
by the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation to
take responsibilities in the fields of Knowledge strategy and innovation
policy, Technology Foresight, Green market economy, also as Project
leader on a Green industrial development strategy".
Harn Wei
Assistant Professor at the National University
of Singapore (Department of Building, School of Design and Environment).
He got his Ph.D. from the Building Technology Program, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, in May 2006. His research interests are
in applying integrated technology policy concepts to promote the
development of sustainable building materials, climate change mitigation/adaptation,
sustainable cities and corporate sustainable development responsibility.
Wherever possible, he utilizes industrial ecology concepts - specifically,
material flow assessment and life cycle analysis within the scope
of urban metabolism - to provide the basis and support for these
integrated technology policy models.
Expert of local training towards sustainability,
entrepreneurship and social cohesion.
Dr. Piotr Matczak works at Institute for Agricultural
and Forest Environment (Polish Academy of Sciences) and at Center
for Public Policy (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland).
His research focuses on the social and economic background of environmental
problems (especially in connection with climate change), and local
governance. His contact address is: matczak@amu.edu.pl.
Economic historian by education, his academic
research focuses on innovation, environment and health in tropical
countries, where he has been working for 10 years as a consultant
in the field of business economics and corporate environmental management
for various firms (coffee, milk, sugar, pharmaceuticals, bio-technology,
etc.) as well as for public institutions (Ministerio de Ambiente
e Energia - Costa Rica, World Bank - Economic Development Institute,
Inter-American Development Bank and bilateral international cooperation
agencies of Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Netherlands and Japan).
In professional life, he is in charge of fostering research funding
proposals at the Maastricht University.
Economist with prior experience in academic and
non-academic environments, namely international economic development
and cooperation.
change economist and practitioner.
economist. A long career in supporting governments, universities,
and firms in development plans.
Rosenberg Colorni
of Banking Practice at EWI. A career in Luxembourg, Swiss and Italian
banks in a wide range of positions.
He has an experience in the public sector, and is currently working
at the Chamber of Commerce of Lecco, one of the most enterprising
towns in Lombardy - Italy.
Her focus is on immigration, development and gender issues, with
a special emphasis on Africa and new approaches for international
cooperation. As Project Manager at EWI she is extending partnerships
for our activities in the continent.
expert and Project Manager at EWI.