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To understand multilateral relationships among phenomena as well as among micro and macro-variables, one needs a growing hyper-text connecting ideas.

Definitions of key words are here introduced, providing simple not-exhaustive explanations of terminology for beginners. By contrast, experts will find many innovative nuances.


Rethinking Economics: 52 Key Concepts
(and two useless ones)


Key concept: Advertising


Key concept: Balance of payments


Key concept: Competitor


Key concept: Consumption


Key concept: Costs


Key concept: Cumulative bundle


Key concept: Degree of difficulty


Key concept: Economic boom


Key concept: Economic depression

Key concept: Economic expansion

Key concept: Economic recession


Key concept: Economic recovery
Key concept: Elasticity

Key concept: Employment


Key concept: Energy


Key concept: Exchange rate


Key concept: Exports


Key concept: Feedback


Key concept: Foreign direct investment


Key concept: Gross Domestic Product


Key concept: Human beings

Key concept: Imitation


Key concept: Imports


Key concept: Inflation


Key concept: Innovation


Key concept: Insurance


Key concept: Interest rates


Key concept: Investment


Useless concept: Isoquant


Key concept: Microfinance


Key concept: Money


Key concept: Peak - the upper turn-around point in the business cycle


Key concept: Pluralism (2020)


Key concept: Poverty


Key concept: Price level


Key concept: Product differentiation


Useless concept: Production function


Key concept: Productivity


Key concept: Profits


Key concept: Public expenditure


Key concept: Refusal to sell


Key concept: Remittances


Key concept: Repurchase


Key concept: Routines


Key concept: Savings


Key concept: Social groups


Key concept: Substitute goods


Key concept: Tax revenue


Key concept: Time (2019)


Key concept: Trade balance


Key concept: Trough - the lower turn-around point in the business cycle


Key concept: Unemployment


Key concept: Urban regeneration


Key concept: Wages


This list of keywords for economics and management is an entry point for beginners into the theory of how the economy works, in strict connection with data, models, and policies. But it is more than that: it provides new definitions for the foundations of evolutionary economics, breaking the barriers between microeconomics, macroeconomics and the other economic and managerial disciplines.




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