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The most innovative and growth-oriented environment, the deepest religious birthplace, the most populated continent, Asia is full of contradictions and chaotic developments. Leading governments and corporations give rise to intentional re-positioning in world production and trade, while poverty, rural and urban management, environmental protection remain open issues.




Presentation: Nurturing China’s Strategic Emerging Industries and Green Products
through Five Innovative Economic Policies

Presentation held at Guanzhou, based on this book

Essay: Green Growth in Asia - 2012 Report

Essay: Assessing the impact of Advertisement towards Malay Consumers: an Empirical Study of Fast Food Restaurants in Malaysia

Essay: Innovation and Growth: A Schumpeterian model of innovation

The creation of a positive feedback loop is what makes the difference between sustained growth and gradual (or sudden) decline. A Positive Feedback Loop Innovation System (POLIS) is here modelled along Schumpeterian lines and applied to the actual economy of Taiwan.



Essay: China position on Copenhagen agreement on climate

Essay I

Essay II


Essay: Innovation and technology trajectories in a developing country context: evidence from a survey of Malaysian firms


Essay: Evaluating policy influence of ICTs for rural areas in India


Essay: The Association between Government Expenditure and Economic Growth in Malaysia


Economic data: Millenium Development Goals 2006: achievements and failures in Asia

MS Excel


Essay: Exports and their linkages to literacy

An exploration of the manyfolds relations of exports and the growth of the number of people capable to write with reference to India and other Asian countries.


Essays: Filipino migration and remittances

How the Filipino domestic workers live abroad

Remittances in the Philippines: a pro-local development approach

Filipino diaspora, remittances, and poverty

The effects on family linkages of Filipino emigration and remittances




Essay: Instabilities on Indian seafood exports: sources, shortfalls and stabilization measures - a time-series analysis

A quantitative and qualitative analysis of a crucial item for India and the world. Export concentration and instabilities are carefully examined by the authors (C. Sarada, T. Ravisankar, M. Krishnan, C. Ananadanarayanan).

First published in 2006 by the Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics thanks to the Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture Case Studies Series n. 7, this paper quotes, among other works, this EWI essay.



Economic data: India time series of Reform Index and Quality of Life Index

In an innovative attempt to quantify institutional change, a comprehensive measure for Economic reforms for India was developed in the form of a Composite Index for the period 1975 to 2006. Similarly, a time series of Quality of Life was computed as well.

MS Excel data and MS Word Methodology



Essay: A historical pattern of economic growth in developing countries

The seminal paper by Kaname Akamatsu that in 1962 summarized the historical evidence of Asia development, to which he personally contributed, in a model that shed light to the successive decades.


Essay: The rise of China and Asia’s flying-geese pattern of economic development

An empirical study of 2002 about the way China is taking part into dynamics of innovation and diffusion of industrial structures, in line with Akamatsu' original view.


Essay: Interindustrial Structure in the Asia-Pacific Region: Growth and Integration, by Using 2000 International Input-Output Table



Essay: Educational strategies and achievements in Singapore

A book on the bold steps Singapore took over decades to attain world-class manpower, "transform[ing] its education system so as to develop a cohesive society and prepare generations of young people to make the most of a globalized future".


Lessons for Africa

Economic data: Consumers' macroeconomic expectations by age, gender, education and household expenditure in Indonesia



Economic data: 300 selected indicators (44 Asian countries): the 1998-2005 time-series



Essay: Lessons from Harbin pollution accident

UN-based 2006 report on lessons for the future in case of environmental disasters.



Essay: Promoting renewable energy in China and the world

UN global report on how to boost alternative energies. Hu Jintao, in his presentation, states: "Along with the global economic growth, energy shortage and environmental pollution have become an increasingly big problem. If it is not solved in a good and efficient manner, not only will human society not achieve the goal of sustainable development, but it will also make a serious impact on the living environment and quality of human society. In this regard, renewable energy resource is rich, clean and sustainable. Therefore, it is an indispensable measure to deal with the increasingly serious issues of energy and environment as well as ensure sustainable development of human society by accelerating the use and development of renewable energy.
China attaches great importance to the utilization and development of renewable energy and considers it as one of the most important instruments to promote socio-economic development. China's Renewable Energy Law will take effect on January 1, 2006."



Essay: India's view on climate change

While recognising that India is extremely vulnerable to future effects of climate change, the country has strongly advocated that long term greenhouse gas emissions should be the same per capita throughout the world — an equal human right to use the global commons. Indian policy makers, as well as the non-governmental organisations, are also showing interest in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) enshrined in the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nation’s’ (UN’s) Framework Convention on Climate Change. The CDM is perceived as a potential instrument for win-win benefits, aimed towards local economic development and environmental improvements concomitant with controlling greenhouse gas emissions.



Economic data: Gross domestic expenditure on R&D by source of funds in 71 countries (e.g. Malaysia, Japan, Georgia, Korea, Israel, Sri Lanka, Turkey,...)

MS Excel


Essay: Country concentration of Turkish exports and imports over time

Through international trade, countries develop their own net of privileged partners. Turkey is an extremely interesting example of a fast changing developing country. In this paper, Prof. Güzin Erlat shows not only data analysis but also a methodology to address the issue of concentration and diversification of exports. The Product Cycle Theory of international trade is given further data support.



Economic data: 2005 R&D spending in China, Japan, Europe, and US



Economic data: India science report

India's emergence as a nation to assume the role of knowledge superpower is being recognised all over the world. India is becoming a major global knowledge production hub with over 150 foreign companies setting up their R&D centres in India, covering both innovation and imitation dynamics. The results presented in this report are primarily based on information collected through an all India field survey called the “National Science Survey–2004” undertaken by the National Council of Applied Economic Research. Over 30,000 individuals were selected from the listed individuals to collect detailed information through a questionnaire approach involving face-to-face interviews.



Essay: South Korea's future engines of growth and development strategies for its main industries


Economic data: The quality of life indicators for Malaysia (2004)


Economic data: Worldwide quality-of-life index (2005)



Essay: Clean Development Mechanism in India

Not only India has signed the Kyoto protocol on climate change, but it is implementing the complex market-based mechanism of Carbon Credits.


Book: Report on rural cluster development - a case study

Rural small-scale industries local aggregation can belong both to “natural clusters” formed by units set up to take advantage of locally available skills, raw materials, proximity to market etc. as well as to “induced clusters” set up by the
government or other agencies through the creation of infrastructure accompanied by a range of technical services designed to cater to a group of units in a local area.

The Indian experience is studies in this book.


Essay: Factors underlying the formation of industrial clusters in Japan and industrial cluster policy: a quantitative survey (Dec. 2005)

At present in Japan, and in the context of a knowledge-based economy, there is a conspicuous tendency for a switch from an innovation strategy to a cluster-based strategy. Many of the regions of Japan are in the process of realizing a locally-based industry strategy which makes use of the unique characteristics of each region.



Essay: Japanese Foreign Aid, Development Expenditures and Taxation: econometric results from a bounded rationality model of fiscal behaviour

A path-breaking methodology for assessing the behaviour of foreign aid receivers. Investment in human and physical capital has been a significant factor in Malaysian GDP growth. Both internal and external sources of finance have been used in promoting investments as well as development expenditures.

But foreign aid could have been used, by a bounded rational bureaucratic policymaker, in many different ways, not all conducive to development.


Essay: Regional cooperation of small & medium firms in Japanese industrial clusters


Essay: Evaluating the benefits from liberalization in agriculture: are standard Walrasian models relevant?
Jean-Marc Boussard, Françoise Gérard, Marie Gabrielle Piketty from INRA - CIRAD shows that if (contrary to the strong versions of the "rational expectation hypothesis"), agriculture producers do not take their decisions on the basis of equilibrium prices only but take also risk into account, then the market can generate very harmful seemingly random fluctuations.

Liberalisation, preventing price stabilisation policies, results in more instability, and a decrease in welfare, as it is numerically demonstrated in both a partial equilibrium model of the world sugar industry and a GTAP-style general equilibrium model of the world economy.


For more information about agriculture research and the authors' activities for Asia and other development areas, see the pages from CIRAD and CEPED.


Essay: Tax base in developing countries

How to increase the tax revenue in developing countries? By enlarging the tax base the fiscal burden would be better distributed, comprehending the large informal economy which is so present in these countries. Unlike in rich countries where informality is largely a result of the tax burden, the informal economy in developing countries is largely a result of high fixed costs of entry into the formal sector. The tax burden is lower in developing countries and the barriers to entry into the formal economy are higher. Empirical analysis supports the results of this paper by prof. Emmanuelle Auriol and Michael Warlters.



Economic data: Human development index (162 countries)

A rich report of reflections and data.



Economic data: Environmental respect data: the number of ISO14000 certified firms in 98 Asian and non-Asian countries - a time-series

MS Excel


Economic data: Composition of public expenditure (education, health, defence...) - 69 countries in Asia and other areas (1975-1985)


Essay: Determinants of household expenditure on education in rural India

There is nothing like 'free' education in India. Household expenditures on education are sizeable; households from even lower socio-economic background all spend considerable amounts on acquiring education, including specifically elementary education, which is expected to be provided free to all by the State.

Coefficients of elasticity clearly show that government expenditures and household expenditures do not substitute each other, instead they complement each other. So if the government wishes to mobilise household finances for education, it is important that the government increases its own allocation to education considerably. Conversely, and more clearly, if government budgets on education are reduced, household expenditures may also decline resulting in severe under investment in education.




Economic data: Energy statistics in OPEC countries (e.g. Indonesia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc.) (2000)



Economic data: Health and disease statistics worldwide



Economic data: Comparable wages for 162 jobs in 132 Asian and non-Asian countries

The MS Excel file with a user-friendly interface of the excellent dataset by Freeman - Oostendorp. Long-term time-series from 1983 to 1999. This data set allows for comparison of wages across countries for the same job, over time, underlining the differences between skilled and unskilled works.

MS Excel [2.9 MB]


Economic data: Productivity in 99 countries (1950-2000)

Direct link to Groningen Growth and Development Centre and The Conference Board, Total Economy Database, February 2004, at, where you'll find a lot of useful industry and macro data about Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Phillipines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan Thailand, Vietnam.

Economic data: Personal and government savings in Japan, USA, Germany: a short-run comparison


Essay: Towards full employment in Arab countries


Essay: Export-led growth: the micro-foundation of knowledge base of exporters - an example

Exporters often approach new markets just by participating to trade fairs, meeting there potential importers and building business relationships with them by trial and error. But a systematic overview of foreign markets can offer a more structured approach. In this report by U.N. Bhati, you'll find a good instance of what an export manager can find in such documents to orient its actions and business plans.

A Statistical Profile of Forest Product Market in South Korea [362 KB]


Essay: Socio-economic transformation in Indian Trans-Himalaya and vicarious learning


Essay: A Place of hope - Connecting people and organizations for rural development through multipurpose community telecentres in selected Philippine Barangays


Essay: Women and the economy in India

A US-based view of what was happening in India in 1996.



Book: An Artificial Market Model of the Japan Foreign Exchange Market - by Kiyoshi Izumi

By integrating fieldwork studies in Japan foreign exchange (forex) market and multiagent computer models, the author proposes a new approach and formal tool: the agent-based artificial market.

Abstract and free full-text

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