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An untouched natural landscape, low-density highly-educated population, peaceful relationships with all, does Oceania offer a future to the rest of the World? Or going beyond the stereotypes, one would discover a sadder reality with cronyism, poor democracy and extreme poverty levels, increasing youth unemployment, drugs, crime and money-laundering?



Essays: Agriculture innovation system in Australia

The papers identifies eleven broad categories of agents taking part to the innovation system. The kind of innovation and the goals of innovation are explored and ranked by an empirical survey.


Essays: Determinants of GDP and some other macroeconomic variables in a small country: the case of Fiji

GDP Exports Imports Investments

Measures of potential output



Essay: Australia's maritime transport

Bulk and tanker transport report; facts, figures, and analyses.



Essay: How to penetrate foreign markets from Australia

Exporters often approach new markets just by participating to trade fairs, meeting there potential importers and building business relationships with them by trial and error. But a systematic overview of foreing markets can offer a more structured approach. In this report by U.N. Bhati, you'll find a good instance of what an export manager can find in such documents to orient its actions and business plans.

A Statistical Profile of Forest Product Market in South Korea [362 KB]


Economic data: Main Vanuatu statistics



Tourist arrival and their expenditure

Number and dollar expenditure of tourists for 199 countries (2000-2006).

MS Excel


Essay: Water privatization in Papua New Guinea

An attempt of evaluation


A world-wide discussion of water governance in comments to Human Development Report 2006


Economic data: Human development index (162 countries)

A rich report of reflections and data.



Economic data: Environmental respect data: the number of ISO14000 certified firms in 98 countries - a time-series

MS Excel


Economic data: Composition of public expenditure (education, health, defence...) - 69 countries in Oceania and other areas (1975-1985)


Economic data: Gross domestic expenditure on R&D by source of funds in 71 countries

MS Excel


Economic data: Health and disease statistics worldwide



Economic data: Comparable wages for 162 jobs in 132 Oceanian and non-Oceanian countries

The MS Excel file with a user-friendly interface of the excellent dataset by Freeman - Oostendorp. Long-term time-series from 1983 to 1999. This data set allows for comparison of wages across countries for the same job, over time, underlining the differences between skilled and unskilled works.

MS Excel [2.9 MB]


Economic data: Productivity in 99 countries (1950-2000)

Direct link to Groningen Growth and Development Centre and The Conference Board, Total Economy Database, February 2004, at, where you'll find a lot of useful industry and macro data about Austrialia and New Zealand.

Economic data: Tax revenue in OECD countries (1966-2000) plus a comparison in tax systems


Economic data: Exchange rates for 200 currencies, spanning across more than 20 years

In one sheet you can track and compare the yearly dynamics of 200 world currencies on the long term. Currency crises, fixed exchange rates and wide fluctuations in a fully international perspective.

MS Excel



Economic data: Long-term interest rates in OECD countries (1982-1998)

A small dataset on interest rates in Austrialia, New Zealand, and other developed countries.

MS Excel [5 KB]


Economic data: Total expenditure on health in OECD countries (1960-2000)


Links to international economic data: Recent GDP figures in Oceania countries

GDP, employment, unemployment, wages, consumer prices, tax revenue, balance of payments, and so on. Daily or weekly updated.




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