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General level of prices for goods and services in an economy. If all prices stay fixed for a while, the price level is unchanged, too. When inflation takes place, the price level arises.
If in an economy were only one good, the price level would be directly
the price of that good. Already with two goods, the problem begins to
be not so easy. If
both goods see their prices increased by the same percentage amount, the
price level can be said to be increased by that growth. But if dynamics
differ, the changes in general price level should be extracted from those
divergent paths. In particular, if one price soared and the other fell,
what happened to the price level? Was it untouched? More than one answer can be given and conventions only can fix the problem but not solve it. Indeed, different people could continue to disagree and prefer certain conventions over others. Let's see an example:
from period 1 to 2, the price of X has increased, while Y price has fallen.
In the first period, Y has been bought more than X (2.5 times more, to
be exact) and the more so in the second period (6 times more). What
is the price level at period 1? Well, there are at least 4 possible answers.
How much did the the price level change? Not less than 5 possible outcomes! To
follow the discussion on how to calculate the general price level and
to introduce your own changes, you can open this MS
Excel file. Let's shortly see some possible definitions. Price
level n. 1: the simple arithmetic average of all current prices Price level changes: changes in the 4 abovementioned levels plus a direct simple averaging of all prices dynamics. The resulting dynamics are the following:
As you can see, the same situation can be described quite differently by various computations of price level, where quantities and prices are both involved. With more than two
goods, things even get more complicated, not to mention what happens when
one should consider the evolution of the quality level over time, as you
can see in this free software. The convention that central statistical offices usually adopt with many goods is the number 2, although international authorities sometimes would even support further solutions (as the so called "Fisher's formula"). As a consequence,
the overall price level is not directly observed by economic agents
(consumers, firms,
). It is computed by statistical offices
according to conventions and the economic
agents will rely on announcements, up to the extent they trust
them. Economic agents pay much attention to the prices of the goods they actually buy or sell. Different people with widely different consumption structures may face different price level and dynamics (more or less inflation). Different industries will decide their prices autonomously, with some "inflation leaders" and other "inflation losers". Whereas everybody know the same nominal prices, inflation-corrected "real" values will always depend on conventions, where different agents may have divergent interests in adopting one or another. In particular, when wages negotiations try to connect the changes in wages to inflation, business will prefer conventions that reduce the computed inflation, while trade unions the opposite. Composition Depending on the chosen commodities and the considered step of the distribution channel, one gets the following, among the others: 1.
consumer price level; Another technique to get price level indicators are the "deflators". Computed as a ratio between current and constant-price values of the same aggregate (as you can see in the MS Excel example), one usually consider: 4.
GDP deflator; In any case, wages
and income sources are never included in the basket that
real statistical offices adopt. This is a far cry from neoclassical
microeconomic description of inflation
as a contemporary proportional increase of all prices and incomes
[1]. Similarly, assets as shares and real estate are not included in the common price level definitions. Thus, an increase in stock exchange index is usually not defined as "inflation". Determinants Prices are chosen by sellers, with the exception of specific markets dominated by buyers and/or requiring negotiations (often for both price and product features). Sellers,
usually firms, take into account mainly the following elements: 1.
costs, For instance, penetration prices are particularly low level of prices to attract early customers. Cream-skimming prices are particularly high prices to position the product in the top-level segment of quality and to attract top-level consumers, possibly with the perspective of reducing the price to get more clients later on. The general price
level depends first and foremost by individual decisions of firms.
For most common consumer goods, prices are determined by producers
and by distribution channels (together or separately). Unconstrained
monopolists are often particularly
aggressive in raising prices. If a good is without any close
substitute is likely to have relatively a high price. The composition
of price basket mediates the effect of individual prices on the overall
price level. If some prices fall and other raise, the average price level
will fairly represent a relatively small fraction of actual price changes.
By contrast if most price go in the same direction by the same percentage
amount, the average price level will be highly representative of actual
changes. The variables having an impacts on the elements taken into account by decision-makers are an indirect second level of determinants of price level. Cost pressures, coming for example from wages or from imports after a devaluation, can exert a powerful influence on it, although it will be possibly mediated through productivity considerations. Income distribution
and the decision-making rules of consumers
play an important role in determining demand curves before which an informed
seller could set profitable prices. If this happens on many markets, the
overall price level can be influenced by the levels in income and consumption
expenditure, as you can test using these
data. Inflation
is the main variable that depends on price level. An increase of price
level without a corresponding wage increase will
reduce the real income of workers. Real
money will be reduced by a price level increase, provided nominal
money does not grow by the same amount. Since an increase of price level depends on changes in single prices, it can be accompanied by changes in the price-sensitive structure of consumption, investment, public expenditure, and so on. At the same time, these aggregates are dramatically different in structure, thus their specific deflators are usually strikingly different for each of them. For example, public expenditure may face higher inflation than other aggregates. The decision to save may be influenced by price level expectations. To the extent exporters charge the same price to foreigners, a higher price level would make their products more expensive and less competitive. However, there is some crucial piece of evidence that domestic and export prices are different, in particular that "exporters systematically charge higher prices for comparable goods when exporting to high-income countries. On average the richest country in our data set pays 40 percent more for the same good than the poorest country. We perform robustness checks that support our interpretation of this as true price discrimination, and not the result of quality differences or transfer pricing of related party trade". In most countries in the XXth century, price levels have always grow following an exponential path. A few countries in deep recession have manifested a falling general price level. In previous centuries, long stagnation and falling price levels have often compensated periods of rapid price growth, resulting in a contrasted dynamics. Business
cycle behaviour Income, consumer expenditure, and price level in a regional comparison Inflation rates for 170 countries (1970-1996) 93 Food products prices in 198 countries (1985-2001) Cocoa beans world prices (1971 - 2001) Coffee world monthly prices (1982 - 2000) Price comparision across categories and specific items
Price determination in monopoly Price
level changes and their impact on consumer's utility in the neoclassical
model [1] Indeed, to understand the so-called "neutrality of money", try this easy experiment with our free software: increase by the same percentage both prices of X good and Y good as well as income. Nothing will change in the budget line, thus in the chosen bundle. If, however, income does not increase, a painful fall of utility will take place. |